About VideoSplit.com.au

VideoSplit.com.au provides on set monitoring and editing for film and TV shoots.

Also known as Video Assist or VTR, the role is to take video feeds from cameras on set to a central portable editing suite that then feeds the image to the Director and other interested parties.

VideoSplit.com.au is the website of Tim Ahern who has been doing Video Split in Sydney Australia since 2000.  Former co-owner of Filmview Services, Tim is now an owner/operator who uses state of the art HD equipment for all elements of on-set monitoring and recording.

QTake is the central software used due to is specialised coding for Video Split, however the portable editing suite also has installed a myriad of hardware and software tools to allow the operator to professionally edit, grade, composite and otherwise affect an on-set image.

With a multitude of films and countless commercials under his belt, Tim is one of the most experienced operators in Australia.